I am a 41 year old adult with intractable epilepsy.
I have most of my seizures while I am sleeping. I sleep through some and am awakened by others, depending on the severity of the seizure. I have anywhere between 8 to 15 seizures a night – 7 nights a week – 365 days a year. It was diagnosed that I had cortical dysplasia. This is a congenital (present at birth) abnormality in the brain’s development. I had my first seizure when I was 3 years old. They would be frequent, and at any time of the day or night.
I have had 3 major brain surgeries called “focal resections.” The last surgery really had an effect on my short-term memory and my speech. None of the brain surgeries worked. I also had extensive testing in Chicago. There was nothing more they could do for me. I then had the vagus nerve stimulator implanted. I tried it for 3 years with no results.
As far as medications go, I have tried, probably, 30 to 40 different anti-convulsant medications in my lifetime. I am now on 4 different medications at their maximum dose. Needless to say, I feel totally drained and lethargic 24 hours a day, especially in the morning. I don’t want to think of what affect it is having on my body.
I have a 6 year old daughter. She is the light of my life. I am very limited on jobs that I can do, due to the learning disabilities and the speech problems. At the present time, I am unemployed. My desire is to be able to provide for my daughter and me. I have a passion for working out and living a healthy lifestyle. More than anything, I would love to be a personal trainer. However, due to my learning disabilities and number of seizures at night, I have not been able to pass the test for getting my license. I am at the end of the road for any improvement. I feel that my personality has changed with each surgery. I am quieter and lack self-confidence.
The cannabis oil is my ONLY HOPE! The best part is that there are no side effects and the results have been amazing. I could possibly have more energy and get seizure relief. It would be a total new life for my daughter and I.